Monday, December 21, 2009

BK362 Honey Hill : Pop-up Party Time!


Come and celebrate with Lucy, Jack, Rafi, Oscar and Olivia as the Honey Hill friends throw a party, in this giant pop-up carousel book! There's so much fun to be had - balloons to blow up and decorations to be made, a bouncy castle to jump on, music to dance to and a wonderful picnic tea to enjoy with real press-out food! Packed full of pop-ups, pull-tabs and play pieces, this interactive book is sure to provide hours of entertainment for little ones everywhere!

Hardcover: 10 pages
Publisher: Campbell Books (Sept 2008)
Product Dimensions: 28.2 x 28 x 1.6 cm
RRP at local bookstore: RM62.90
Condition: New

Status: Sold

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