Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Build Your Lil One's Early Reading Skills at Home

Parents are a child's first teacher. Babies and toddlers learn a lot at home. Here are some simple things you can do around the house that will help your little ones develop into readers and writers.

Talk, talk, talk!
Your child will learn about spoken words just from listening to you.

Read to your child
Share books you loved and try some new ones from the library. Reread favorites over and over again!

Point out interesting words as you read
Help your child understand that the squiggles on the page have meaning.

Talk about books
Retell exciting stories at the dinner table. Encourage your child to share his favorite parts.

Connect what kids already know to what they hear or read
This helps your children understand more about the world around them.

Write for a purpose
As you're writing your grocery list or a thank you note, share your work with your child. Don't be surprised if she asks to borrow the pencil!

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